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May 8, 2008

Experiment: Day Four

I spend most of my days with actors, talking with filmmakers about actors, preparing actors for auditions, negotiating terms of contracts for actors, watching actors working, sleeping with actors (okay, just one. My husband the actor. Fine. I'm not a swinger).

For all of my grousing about actors who can't read, desperate actors, clueless actors, bafflingly bizarre actors, I have to say that actors are some of the finest, coolest, most creative, brilliant, inspiring, courageous people out there.

They bring life to fictional characters in ways that make us certain they surely could--and do--exist. They recreate nonfictional characters in ways that make us lose track of what the "real" people looked or sounded like. They help us understand our emotional connections to this world we inhabit, they provide catharsis, they make us think. Their talents give us an escape into worlds we don't know--and their commitment to their performances make us sure we do know those worlds after all. They make the unreal real somehow.

And all with the lift of an eyebrow, the sparkle of an eye, the twitch of a lip, the slowing of a breath.

It's amazing... the talent... the in-the-soul instincts that can change the world for us sometimes. Nah, it's not curing cancer, that acting thing, but it sure as hell is making our lives a better place most days, whether we realize it or not. And that I get to work with these folks as intimately and as DAILY as I do is simply awesome.

Day Four:

I am grateful for actors.

(What is the Experiment? It is this.)

Posted by bonnie at May 8, 2008 2:13 PM


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