September 12, 2007

12 of 12 for September 2007

Woo hoo! After a month off from 12 of 12, it's back! Right here at the BonBlogs! Woo! And then hoo!

12:31am: Don't bother them. They're eating.

2:20am: BONUS PIC (Today's bonus was "UNEXPECTED.") I think it's rather unexpected that I spent an hour trolling the Big Brother forums to read transcripts of live feeds in order to find out who won the first leg of the "Head of Household" competition. While watching TiVoed So You Wanna Be a Soap Star. Good Lord, how low can you go, casting director? I'll just admit it. I do loves me some reality TV junk. (How long 'til ANTM is back?)

3:01am: Ready for this? THIS is exactly all of the remaining stock of Self-Management for Actors (other than the few hundred at our distributor's warehouse, which should be depleted via retailers within a few months). So... big decision was made today. SMFA, 3rd ed. coming your way by pilot season. Yes, this means I have to say no to casting a film. Booooooo! But, hey... it means... new book! Ready, Proofer Patrol?

7:10am: Up from a three-hour sleep and... yup... there's Archie. On me as usual. Good morning, Sunshine.

9:30am: After doing some email from bed, it's time for cuddling! Yay!

12:14pm: After the most recent actor contract comes through via fax, it's time to archive the second of two pilots I've cast in the past month. This has been sooooo gratifying!! Cast pages (in progress) are linked at the Cricket Feet Casting website.

12:36pm: Time for lunch! Amy's gluten-free chili. Yum!

1:51pm: Gotta check last night's lottery numbers. Damn. One of these days, I tell ya....

2:32pm: Time to work in the bedroom. It's where the A/C is hooked up. Much better.

2:44pm: The task was getting our 55 submitted comedic scenes for the Cricket Feet Showcase down to the 16 or 17 we'll use. I think I'm down to 30 at this point. Y'know... then I have to cast 'em. And do punch-up.

4:01pm: Still at it.

5:44pm: Loves me some Final Draft. I actually resurrected a scene I had written and then scrapped. We now are back up to 26 top scenes, after having gotten down to 25. Did I mention we need it down to 16 or 17? And we need 'em to all be kind of dissimilar in tone, style, relationship, and whatnot? Yeah. Busy.

11:11pm: All righty, Keith is now in bed. I've slept with him for about 20 minutes. Now I'm going to get up, shower, and get back to work in the living room, since it has cooled off nicely. Guess who joins me? Archie. Yes. He is my constant companion today, it seems.

News coming shortly about that big hush-hush venture I've been involved with (y'know, with The Hollywood Reporter, Breakdown Services, and superagent Marc Bass). It all goes live tomorrow. And no, this still isn't that BIG THING I'm keeping quiet. Another month still, 'til the disclosure on that. *giggle* Oh, and yes, I flaked on calling Mr. Superagent back last week. I was swamped that day and haven't had a second since then. But I am being interviewed by UTV of Ireland Friday for a documentary they're doing on "making it" in Hollywood. BBC Breakfast in Feb. 2007... now this? I'm sensing a trend. Hmm... 2008 book tour to the UK?

Posted by bonnie at 11:50 PM | Comments (8) | TrackBack

August 12, 2007

No August 12 of 12 here. :(

Sorry, gang. My first 12 of 12 skip for the year. Facing a major deadline. Cutting short just about everything else 'til I'm on the other side of this project. Disclosure to follow in a couple of months. I promise!

Posted by bonnie at 3:15 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

July 13, 2007

July 2007 12 of 12

Finally! My 12 of 12 for July is here!

What's 12 of 12? Well, visit the amazing Chad Darnell to find out!

12:03am: Look at these stunning orchids Faith sent me for my b'day! Wow!! So lovely!

3:28am: More birthday flowers. Hee! And the candle Quinn picked out before he left. It smells way yummy. (Almost time for bed, at this point.)

3:28am: Not bed yet... gotta put today's postcards out by the door. We've mailed 680 units to promote the Cricket Feet Showcase by now. Phew!

3:29am: Oh!!! Still not headed to bed. There's Salema in the cubby, so I gotta snap that one too! Note to interns: see, I haven't done ANY sorting/filing since your last visit. ;)

1:16pm: Thwok LOVES bubble wrap. Loves it. Thinks it's an air mattress for her to enjoy.

1:50pm: Time for lunch! Anna Vo hooked me up with rice-flour tortillas last month and I am SET! I have these stuffed with turkey and pepper jack cheese. YUM!

2:59pm: Keith on RED. This thing is soooooo cool.

5:06pm: Dashing out the door for my talk at The Actors' Network, but since Salema is the featured kitty this 12 of 12, I figured one more of her would be fun.

5:50pm: I'm sooooooo bored. We've been in traffic for 45 minutes and have traveled exactly four miles. I am not kidding. So... I discover a spider bite (or something) on my arm. Fun, huh?

BONUS PIC! 6:23pm This month's bonus pic is HOT. Okay, so let me set this up for you... We've now been in traffic for 75 minutes. We *still* haven't made it to the 405 (which is about six miles from our house). Seriously, I have NEVER sat still in traffic for SO LONG. Of course, we're now gonna be late to my talk at TAN. But here's what's HOT... this kid is ROCKING OUT to Yiddish Rap (Hip-hava-nageela, anyone?), BEATING on the outside of his car, driving as far over to the right of the lane as possible, and he *refuses* to pull up whenever traffic begins to roll forward a few feet, because he is SOOOOOOO watching himself in the mirror as he has this private concert going on. He then looks around to see who's watching him (and catches us, here, in the mirror, taking his photo), then watches himself in the mirror some more and blasts the music and rocks the Jew-fro even harder. This guy was HOT. (At least he thought so.) And that's good enough for a bonus pic for me! (Hey, we had to pass the time somehow and this was very entertaining. Traffic sucks!)

8:47pm: So, of course, I forget to take any photos while at The Actors' Network, even though it was a rockstar talk with some of the coolest actors I've met there. And they're in their way cool new digs. I LOVE the new location. It's stunning! Mojitos on the patio soon, Kevin E. ;) So, I snapped a photo of the handwash HAND on Ventura Blvd., as we leave the 818.

11:53pm: One of the actors we saw at TAN was the lovely Ms. Tara Radcliff. She's so dang cool. So, we decided to head to Dan Tana's for a late dinner...

11:54pm: ...and loads of storytelling and gabbing and all that jazz.

So, there ya have it! Another 12 of 12 for you to enjoy. ;) I think I cheated on the last two photos and they were actually taken an hour later than what I've said here (making them officially taken on the 13th), but, eh, it's close enough.

PS--Keith and I met in person in SLC six years ago today. I'm going to post that little story later. Had to get this 12 of 12 up and then back to work. :) Wheeeeee! Happy weekend, everyone. And THANK YOU for all of the wonderful birthday wishes!!!! XO

Posted by bonnie at 12:23 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

June 13, 2007

So, finally... it's 12 of 12 for June!

And it's funny! Because the bonus pic was SECRET (and my girl Anna totally gets what a big deal this "secret" pic is... it could be the end of my new gig, but I blog on behalf of 12 of 12 and that's that).

What's 12 of 12? Well, visit Chad to know fo-sho!

11:11am: Slept in, wrote in my journal for an hour, then got up and had left-over PF Chang's gluten-free yummies. Yeah.

3:15pm: I'm heading out. I gotsta go. And that's the mail I haven't opened yet. Good thing Wednesday is intern day.

4:20pm: Best three dollars ever spent. Word.

4:36pm: 'member Dean and Deluca from Melrose Place days? Yeah, that's Aaron Spelling HQ, baby. I used to live over there. Ahh...

5:54pm: Ferrari Carano and the (still unnamed) BlackBerry. Yeah. Good times.

6:01pm: Chillin' w/ my girl Anna and, well, there's been booze and then there's gravity and, well... you see what happens then. (Nice rack, BTW.)

6:10pm: Um, yum. And Anna will point out there are wine bottles on the cushion behind me. Coooooool.

7:11pm: We're at SAG and there are really important pieces of memorabilia to sign. Good thing Anna's around to do the deed! Hee!

7:21pm: Ah! I'd have loved it if we had had this pic taken *at* 7:11 (seeing as Greg and I were both born on 7/11), but there's only so much geek a world can take. ;) Just the same, we had a way good time! Hee!

9:01pm So, the SAG talk with the Heroes gang is over and Anna is molesting her friend Beth (who is married to Jack and who is so cool that she wears hot boots AND tells you where she bought 'em and for how much--SO the sign of good people). Hee!

9:10pm: And because this month's bonus pic is SECRET this photo is included (and it so wasn't gonna be, since we got in trouble for snapping it).

10:22pm: It's Gimlet Time, baby. Anna's first trip back to Dan Tana's since Joe's memorial months ago. But here she is in Joe's seat... and she was treated like royalty (as a goddess should be).

11:01pm: Keith has arrived! (Yes, what you've suspected to be true is true. Keith has come back to LA (for a callback--nice problem to have, natch) and will boomerang back to NM for his shoot again this week. Nice. Busy... and happy... life is that good. Oh, and hello, Craig! You rock!!!!!!!

So, there's my 12 of 12! Not loving life right this second, but, hey... what can you do? You love it some days and others... you just show up and do the deed. That's me right now. Fair enough.

Woo damn hoo!

Posted by bonnie at 2:37 AM | Comments (8) | TrackBack

May 12, 2007

12 of 12 for May 2007

Howdy! It's 12 of 12 time! Woo!

A quiet day for me, but busy just the same. I actually FORGOT that it was 12 of 12 until 2:30pm, so... oops. Well, I still did it, so there! If you're new to 12 of 12, visit Chad's blog for the low-down. Make sure you share your link with Chad so that your 12 is part of the world of 12. (I have a goal to visit ALL 12 of 12ers' blogs this month.)

So, here we go, Hollywood!

2:41pm: A late start on the 12 of 12, but here I am trying to find a POV contributor for May 15th. I seriously have TEN people saying they're working on something... but no one met the deadline. Augh! I would hate to see this awesome column die due to lack of contributions from CDs (and not just b/c it would mean "losing a job" for me). Write, people! WRITE!

2:55pm: Taking advantage of a wee bit of downtime between the first and second showcases AND the last feature film and the next feature film I'm casting (breakdown goes out next week--woo), we started a HUGE spring cleaning project last week and we're making good headway. These bins contain (L-R): showcase stuff, casting stuff (with the last project I cast ready to hit its project binder being the contents of that box on top of the bin), writing stuff (which needs to be sorted into ten subcategories), and speaking/consulting stuff (yes, that's the infamous "What Were You THINKING?!?" submission binder on top... heh heh).

2:56pm: Sorting the office supplies. Ugh. It's not as sexy as the aisles of Office Depot, but it will be. Interns... y'all ready?

2:57pm: Yeah, that showcase bin (two pics above) looked light, didn't it? Yup. This is the *real* showcase sorting area. See all of those boxes of margarita mix? That's four CASES left over. Strangely, there was no *tequila* left over. How did THAT happen?

2:58pm: Getting the den presentable for Quinn's visit. Yippee!! Can't wait to have him here, as always. We have SO MUCH cool stuff planned! (Oh, man! That bookcase on the right is filled with "to sort" boxes. Ugh. I think I will never run out of things to sort. The COOL thing is, I'm on the PARF Clutter Control Challenge. Their initial requirement was too scary for me, so I modified it and we are kicking ASS at it: Throwing away something (each of us) EVERY day. And it has to be something we were keeping for a reason (not just regular toss-outs). Of course, we get so excited about the small dent we're making that we end up throwing away even more stuff and... yup. Spring cleaning continues!

2:59pm: Re-lighting the candle for Mom (and Deb's mom too). Will light it again tomorrow, Mother's Day, a time to honor all moms, here and above.

3pm: Wouldja look at that precious cast? Aww... I miss them. So talented. Such awesome people.

3:10pm: Lunch. Ew. I thought, after eating it, that I was probably "over" gluten-free Fettuccine Alfredo. After seeing this photo, I'm TOTALLY sure I'm over it. Bleh. But I do love my salt bunny! Hee! It's also a magnet! Bonus!!

6:24pm: In the "doing things in the wrong order" department, I took a shower and then stripped the sheets off the bed and changed the towels, gathered laundry, etc., and--of course--broke a nail. So, here's my not-lovely hand-modeling hand with a broken fingernail. Dangit. Ooh, I now notice that I need to empty the shavings from my pencil sharpener. Okay... DONE. (Yes, I still use old school wooden pencils. I love them.)

7:18pm Ooh, look at that sexy Keith leg! Hee! Laundry sorting. Blah blah blah. Hot Saturday night.

7:18pm: Ooh, my new best friend the portable A/C. Yes, we had to bust that sucker out last weekend when the Santa Anas slammed into me with nosebleed force. No, we don't have it on today, but that sucker is heavy, so it's staying where it is 'til our next major cold snap. Thwok loves to stand on top of it, so it's multifunctional. Dammit, it is! I say so!

7:37pm BONUS PIC!: This month's bonus pic is DREAMSCAPE and I chose my mom's crystal heart-shaped abstract swirly paperweight. Lovely. And good Feng Shui too!

8:27pm: Dinnertime! It's gluten-free cheese pizza with some red wine (and I am all about the "table wine glass" style... I don't need your frou-frou stemware. Well, sometimes I do. You know how that goes).

Anyway, that's my (short) 12 of 12! Hope you'll join in next month. It's way cool to have a look at a day in the life. ;)


Now... time to finish my columns!

Posted by bonnie at 9:27 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

April 13, 2007

12 of 12 for April 2007

Woo hoo! Always one of my favorite days... it's 12 of 12 time! And I was especially thrilled about this month's 12 because of all the cool stuffs going on. Some of it actually made it to camera. ;)

If it's your first time to 12 of 12, then visit awesome Chad's blog for the low-down. And, by the way, if it's your first time... where the hell ya been? Be sure to post your link at Chad's blog so that your 12 is shared with the world, as it should be.

1:01am: Stack of postcards to send out for the Cricket Feet Showcase (yes, this is round three of the mailing). So excited!

2:53am: Leftovers from El Cholo, a big glass of milk, and TiVo'd America's Next Top Model. Life, she is good.

4:11am: I've just finished watching the TiVo'd Work Out and I'm crying over Doug. That's all.

7:27am: Archie has decided to kill his sister Salema. *sigh* Kids.

7:33am: Syncing the BlackBerry (Hmm... I still haven't named it. That's odd.) and stamping the postcards. Did more than I thought I would. Damn, I have a big industry mailing list.

1:45pm: Up from a four-hour nap, it's time to check the emails....

3:44pm: Keith driving me to my interview for the Industry RSVP web show. Had every intention of photographing me on set... lights, camera, the whole deal... but...

4:53pm: ...totally forgot the camera was in my purse. But it was open the whole time, so the batteries ran out. Bonus, eh? Anyway, it was a blast spending time with Seth, A'da, Ileane, Gary, Bob, and the rest of the crew as always. I'll post the interview when it's available.

5:15pm: This is why Ileane wants to go shopping with me. Cool purse, cool patchy jeans, cool bracelet, cool BlackBerry case. Hee! Says she loves my hair too, but you can't buy that, baby. ;)

7:20pm BONUS PIC! We've arrived at SAG Foundation for my casting workshop. Jesse agrees to be in the photo only if she can face the other way. Rufino has been renamed Rufiyes, because Keith thinks it will help his love life. This is the bonus pic b/c I had to get a photo that used the word assigned by the Random Word Generator, and mine was TURNAROUND. Funny thing is, it wasn't until AFTER the photo was taken that I realized it would be a great bonus pic. I honestly had no idea how I was going to work TURNAROUND into my 12 of 12. Way to go, Jesse. You rule! Aren't we the cutest?

8:30pm: Assigning scenes to the actors at the advanced SAG Foundation CAP event. So much fun!

10:30pm: SAG Foundation CAP is now over, and Beautiful X and I are going over her new headshot options. Love this chick! So very cool.

11pm: We decide to stay late and Keith launches into "The Luckiest Man in the World" story for Mary and Rufiyes. We laughed, we cried, we embraced. Love these people!

Such a fucking awesome day. I just love my life. It's too dang cool.

Posted by bonnie at 1:44 AM | Comments (6) | TrackBack

April 11, 2007

Tomorrow is 12 of 12!

Click here for answers to "what is she talking about" type questions.

Charge up your camera. Get ready. :)

Per Rockstar Chad, our bonus pic this month is as follows:

Bonus picture is based on a random word generator. CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK! Whatever word comes up, your 13th (bonus if you choose it) picture can be a literal or interpretive take on that word.

Rock on!

Posted by bonnie at 7:45 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

March 15, 2007

12 of 12 for March 2007 (so late)

Dang. Is it really the 15th? Really? Man... I have seriously lost DAYS. Luckily, I have now officially slept. So, I'm on the upswing after an intensely scary few days of my life.

Please please please don't indulge my overly dramatic style of writing about this BS sleeplessness. It is SO not a big deal in the big scheme of things. It's just something that troubles me in a major way, so I want to write about it to REMIND ME to not let it get this bad next time.

Okay, so somehow, I managed to take photos representing my 12 of 12 (see rockstar Chad's blog for the rules and links to all participants... seriously, this is so fascinating and cool), but I kind of don't remember doing it.

In fact, I had a conversation with a filmmaker about 12 hours ago during which we established that there were entire chunks of a conversation we had had on Friday that I totally don't recall.

So, let me just say this: While I may only do this bizarre "no sleep for five days or so" thing every 18 months or so, it is NO fun and I will absolutely go to the doctor next time. I promise. Believe me, the alternative is NOT worth it. I made some really bad choices as a result of my sleeplessness and learned that THAT is actually beyond scary.

Okay. Enough with the big-ass blog introduction leading up to the 12 of 12. Here 'tis. Click on any thumbnail to enlarge (and THANK GAWD I can now see straight... did you know that you actually see stars when you don't sleep for days? STARS)!

2:37am: I've gotten out of bed (again) after trying to get some sleep (again) after having alerted my boss that my column would likely be late... but no... I was able to get it done since, of course, I didn't actually sleep. This is Salema, wishing I'd pick a room and stay in it.

2:58am: Archie would like me to STOP trying to work. He must realize that, while I'm capable of functioning on very little sleep 99% of the time, I've gotten to the point where nothing I do is going to fool anyone, so he would like to save me from really screwing up.

2:59am: Thwok, too, is exhausted. See, when I don't sleep, the kitties tend not to sleep. They know something is wrong and they worry about me. They hang out and follow me, room to room, hoping I'll pass out at some point.

3:01am: Maybe junk food will make me sleepy. Am I the only one who eats my Snickers this way?

4:10am: At this point, I have finished my column and made a wish that something big, heavy, and anvil shaped would come crashing down on my head to put me out of my misery. No such luck.

4:48am: Not quite an anvil, but perhaps a Ciroc gimlet will chill me out enough to get a little sleep. One can hope.

6:05am: The note I have for this photo is "just dug through the bin." I have no idea what I dug through the bin to find (or whether I found it), but that's sort of how my life has been since about Friday, as I honestly have lost entire BLOCKS of memory... yet still managed to get stuff done. Scary.

6:31pm: Thwok has gone hunting. We cleaned out the demo reel shelves to do some sorting (and tossing--thanks, Julie) and haven't put the "keepers" back. Therefore, Thwok likes to climb upon the empty shelves and hunt critters. I am mildly entertained. And trying to stay grateful for things that entertain me whatsoever.

7:18am: BONUS PHOTO! This month's bonus was GREEN. I know my blanket doesn't look green, but it is. And the solitaire screen is also green. Yes, I finally downloaded a game for my BlackBerry. That is how bored I am when I cannot sleep. And solitaire is about the only speed of "brain work" I can do at this point.

8:30am: Keith has gotten out of bed and tries to convince me that I can get some sleep if I swig some NyQuil and get in bed. I am appalled at how DARK my eyes are. I look like death. BUT!! I do love that this kind of looks like a Picasso painting. That's cool. ;)

1:34pm: I am sooooooo freakin' bored at this point. I've slept for a grand total of two hours but have stayed in bed in the hopes that I will somehow "get rest" just by being there. Obviously, the fact that I'm doing email just shows ya how restful I'm trying to be. OH! But I was soooo smart to filter out all MySpace alerts at my handheld. Now my emails are down to about 90 per hour at peak times. That's MUCH better.

2:51pm: H2O and 90210. Meanwhile, I'm following up on offers to a few more actors on Broken Windows and finishing up some casting consulting work on Scab (and honestly, I don't remember much more, except that I tried to convince Keith to cancel our dinner meeting with an Atlanta filmmaker, but he insisted that I would be "on my game" once we got to Dan Tana's and started chatting. I'm pretty sure he was right about that.

5:10pm: And this is us on the way to the aforementioned meeting. I ended up leaving the camera in the car, so there are no more photos, despite the fact that I was brilliant and decided the BEST way to finally get some sleep was to drink ALL THE VODKA ON THE PLANET. Mission accomplished.

I finally got my sleep.

It wasn't restful. It wasn't replenishing. It wasn't chemical-free. In fact, it was filled with nightmares and terrors from past evil encounters. And I have bruises. *shudder*

But here's the good news: I survived the OFFICIAL END of the 100 hour sleep-free marathon. And I survived that marathon itself. Damage control issues are reportedly minimal. And now I'm back to me for the next year or so. Or so they tell me. Yay!

I'm DONE talking about this not sleeping thing. So the word for the day is ONWARD. Woo!

Posted by bonnie at 5:15 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

February 12, 2007

12 of 12 for February 2007

Hey everyone, here's my 12 of 12! (New to this party? Visit awesome Chad's site for the 12 of 12 scoop and visit fellow 12'ers from around the world!)

Click any photo to enlarge.

6:48am: Our cast for Broken Windows is shaping up! Very excited.

6:50am: Evidence that kitties were playing while we slept. That yellow mouse is about OVER. Its guts have fallen out.

8:01am: Keith's got a big audition today. For Heroes. Yeah, baby!

8:31am: I put in 20 hours in a row on the headshot column... and it's still not finished. I'm going to run it next week instead. Exhausting work.

9:20am: BONUS PHOTO! The theme for this month is LOVE. Awwwwww. Look at those cute gooberheads kissing! (Note: I am now a brunette. Hee!)

12:05pm: Writing a check to the Santa Monica Playhouse for rental of casting space (callbacks next week).

1:04pm: Reviewing submissions for the Cricket Feet Casting Actors Showcase. This is gonna be an amazing experience!

1:56pm: Gonna write in my old-school journal.

2:02pm: Salema making a rare daytime appearance.

2:10pm: I'm willing to bet my Anna Nicole Smith bobble-head doll is worth more now.

2:44pm: Shower time! (And I am soooo tempted to push that button on the shower cleaning thingy. Seriously. I know one of these days I will do it!)

2:58pm: Thwok, as usual, has been standing guard while I've showered. She's very worried that the evil falling water monster will steal my soul, and is therefore very relieved when I emerge, unscathed.

4:22pm: Mail's in. Time to open the headshots. They. Never. Stop. Coming.

So, that's it for my 12 of 12! Hope you enjoyed the little peek.

Posted by bonnie at 6:08 PM | Comments (9) | TrackBack

January 13, 2007

12 of 12 for January 2007

It's 12 of 12 time again! Did you have fun? I did!

Here's my 12 of 12 for January (click any photo to enlarge). Enjoy!

10:18am: After a lovely Gimlet Night, Dawn and I hang out with Archie in bed while Keith barges in and announces it is time for 12 of 12 to begin!

11:17am: This is as far I got on January 11th's evil Samurai Sudoku. Evil. Yes.

12:10pm: Snuggling up with my honey after Dawn has left for yoga, before the interns arrive, and before Keith leaves for his casting internship.

1:17pm: My new boyfriend, Roomba. He's very cute.

1:32pm: There's not a bunch of time for sun this time of year, but pretty much every moment Archie *can* sun, he will do so!

1:41pm: BONUS PIC! This month's bonus pic is "something new." And yesterday, we retired the SixHundy and, after SEVEN YEARS with a Palm OS, I joined the BlackBerry revolution. I'll report back later on my thoughts. So far, so good, though.

2:44pm: Intern Julie in a sea of headshots. I think this photo is titled, "Over it." Hee! But I do believe we cheered Julie up by watching Stick It again.

2:45pm: Hey, it's Lindsay! She's working on the name actor Wiki. Yay!

2:51pm: I stand up for one freakin' minute and when I turn around, that damn cat has stolen my pillowy stack and sealed up for a nap!

8:01pm: THIS is the reason I moved so slowly on the 12th. Too many overflowing martinis on the 11th. *sigh*

8:11pm: Oh! I love this! It's a little "travel towel" (which of course means "washcloth") from Hawaii. Intern Julie brought it back for me last week. Hee! Love Hello Kitty cuties!

8:34pm: Thwok is really happy that we've put new "toys" on top of the cubbies. She especially likes getting up on the big box (a present for my sister in law, waiting here for pickup), chasing shadows on the wall and ceiling, and (obviously) leaping from the cubbies to the floor. She is very brave. (Broken Windows cast photos featured on the cubbies. More announcements to come.)

10:26pm: Doing a little PARF Chat. Always so much fun!

Hope you enjoyed my 12 of 12! I look forward to seeing yours too! See y'all next month.

Posted by bonnie at 7:43 AM | Comments (19) | TrackBack

January 11, 2007

12 of 12 Is Tomorrow!

C'mon everyone, fire up those digital cameras and get yourself in gear for 12 of 12 version 2.0!

(Never done 12 of 12? Need a refresher on the rules? Visit Chad's site for the scoop.)

It's ever so much fun (and I really felt out of it, having missed December's 12 of 12).

Bonus pic: something new! (I know what mine will be. We just got back from shopping for my half-birthday. Woo!)

Posted by bonnie at 6:11 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

November 12, 2006

12 of 12 for November 2006

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHAD! I hope your special 12 of 12 birthday edition was rockstar, like you!

Here's my 12 of 12 for November (click any photo to enlarge). Hope you'll share yours too!

12:53am: Home from Gimlet Night and approving BonBlogs comments while watching the best worst TV show ever (Cheaters).

2:23am: Thwok is always quite curious. She'd like to see what I'm working on, please.

2:57am: Well, I'm doing the same thing I've been doing with just about every spare minute I can find for the past few weeks: getting the HILMMAKS name actor wiki in order. (Yes, this brings the number of wikis we've created to three. All for casting. Each too different to merge. Luckily, I love the geeky work and know that this stuff (which, I swear to GAWD is not a violation of copyright) is going to be a serious master database that I will use forever. It's just the setup that's time-consuming.) Anyway, had I taken any more photos of my life before going to bed at 6:45am, they'd have looked just like this one.

11:45am: One of my favorite things! I will wake up after a few hours' sleep, play a few games on my Palm Pilot (I call it "saving the world"), and then call out to Keith, saying, "Honey? Come be close." He does. And Archie, of course, does too. My furry boys.

1:35pm: Evidence that there was much PLAY going on as I slept. Do I bother straightening the rug? Again? I know Thwok will just tear it all up again tonight. Ah... it makes her happy. Gotta help along that cause. ;)

3:09pm: Time for breakfast! I know, my schedule is so dang weird. Anyway, it's two eggs with an ounce of cheese and a bit of crispy bacon. Yum! Love a low-carb start to the day. Really good for the energy-flow!

3:50pm: BONUS PIC! This month's bonus photo is THANKFUL. It was hard to choose one thing about which I'm truly grateful, as I spend so much of my life in a state of gratitude. I really have a blast pretty much every moment. And I am grateful for everything I see and feel every day. But the way the sun came in through the west window--hitting the crystal cousin Faith gave us and splattering the walls--was just lovely. So, I chose this as my expression of THANKS.

3:52pm: More of the lovely visual effects dancing on the walls.

6:15pm: My column is done for the week, so I've let my hair down, taken off my wrist-wrap, and begun reviewing the rest of the day's To Do List. Ugh (even though I do love lists). Still too much. Some of this will be done tomorrow. But most tonight. I am so so so so so glad that I have the kind of life that allows me to earn a living while others sleep.

6:20pm: I'm headed to the shower, but I had to get a photo of Keith and his many, many, many computers. You seriously can't see a fraction of them in this photo. Boys and their toys! I tell ya!

6:33pm: Shower. Ahhhhhhh.

6:44pm: Time for dinner! Leftovers from last night's yummy dinner (takeout from the Pacific Dining Car) at Gimlet Night. Seriously, their Filet Oscar is a thing of beauty. Especially delightful with a Ciroc Gimlet on the Rocks. Hmm... they ARE open 24 hours, aren't they? Hmm... Where are my keys? (Oh, crap... there's that To Do List. Ugh.)

7pm: Final moment of my November 12 of 12... that's the fat cat Archie, like a snake finding its heat rock in its terrarium. His is a PowerBook G4 12" on Keith's desk (whether or not Keith is working), thankee very much!

Hope you enjoyed my 12 of 12! I look forward to seeing yours too! See y'all next month.

Posted by bonnie at 8:02 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack

November 11, 2006

12 of 12 is Sunday

I'm actually really tired, so I'm going to bed (also, the Frankenputer that Keith has been building is making a really loud whirring sound, so I'm annoyed at being in the same room with it. I'm also hungry. Overly hungry. Like where you're so hungry that you aren't hungry anymore, so go with it? Yeah. Like that. Sleep is like that too. Sometimes I get so sleepy that I wrap back around to not sleepy--or incapable of sleeping, probably--and just stay right on not sleeping. So, here I am, still not eating, but going to bed earlier than usual. Yes, I am aware that it is like 3:30am. What?).


12 of 12 is Sunday and if you've never done 12 of 12 then you definitely should do it this month because:
a. it's a Sunday, which means you won't be taking boring photos while you're at work (except for me... Sunday is the day I write my column)
b. the bonus photo is THANKSGIVING or whatever you're grateful for or whatever (that's always a good practice)
d. if you don't do 12 of 12 either this month or next (or both, I guess), then you can't say you've been doing it since its first year (and when it's as big as PostSecret or effin' YouTube and Chad makes $1.6 billion off it, you'll just be some sad Johnny Come Lately who started up in 2007 and everyone will say, "Oh, you are SO a year late," and you will cry).

Holly Cow, is this a post written in the style of Erik KiKi Patterson or what?!? Jeebus!

Anyway, charge your camera batteries, clear off your memory card, and get ready for a fun 12 of 12 on Sunday. Deal? Okay, now I'm to bed. XXOO

Posted by bonnie at 3:38 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

October 13, 2006

12 of 12 (finally) for my nonaversary

FINALLY, I have had enough time to get my 12 of 12 edited and uploaded. Phew! What a day or so! If you're new to 12 of 12, head over to Chad's site for the lowdown. My previous entries are here. As always, I hope if you did your own 12 of 12 that you'll share with the world! Click any photo to enlarge.

12:25am: Keith has gone to bed and I'm up working on the Casting Wiki. The headshots taped up on the wall of cubbies are the actors who read for us at the HILMMAKS staged reading last weekend. My rockstar intern will take these down the following day. (Bless her.)

6am: I've finished work on the Casting Wiki (for now) and am getting out of the shower. Thwok stands guard. Do other cats do this? I know dogs do. But I've never had a Shower Guard Cat 'til Thwok.

2:30pm: BONUS PHOTO. Keith has forgotten a part of his wardrobe for a commercial audition. Joni has arrived, so she and I hop into the car and head over to the audition location to hand off his sweatshirt. This is the HALLOWEEN bonus photo because of the jack-o-lantern decoration in the shop window behind him.

3:10pm: Joni is calling her mom to make sure she knows she's made it to LA safe and sound.

6:36pm: Dinner at Dan Tana's. Yum. Way yum.

8:27pm: Dinner's over, and it's bar time with Mike. This is Subhash, Joni, and Keith (the smallest our group will be all night long).

9pm: Arrival of Babes McPhee. Everyone is very excited. Sure, Joseph Fiennes is hot and all, but this is Babes Fuckin' McPhee we're talking about. That's a celeb!

9:26pm: My sister Deb (future HHH rockstar producer) shows me some see-food. Hee! ;)

9:42pm: Vida happens to know Ron Jeremy, so she brings him by to meet MCJ and pose for a few photos. Very sweet.

9:58pm: Rose and Ashley kickin' it by Craig's home base.

10:18pm: May I touch your chest? Please? YES? Okay! Awesome!

10:38pm: A visit from one of my favorite actors, Katie Keane. She just randomly happened to be there (as did a bunch of ABC casting execs and such)! So cool!

10:58pm: It's almost time for this crew to call it a night. Lots of love for my Niecey Ash and one of the world's hottest young playwrights. (Sorry I made you cry, Babes. *sniffle*) Also in attendance were Eric, Laura, Vanessa, and Asterios.

So, that's it for my 12 of 12! No special nonaversary trip this year. Just lots of playtime and good friends, amazing food, and strong drinks. Life's fun like that. Shall we do it again next month? Yes. Yes we shall! Thanks again, Chad!!

Posted by bonnie at 7:48 PM | Comments (17) | TrackBack

September 12, 2006

12 of 12 for Sept06

Yo! It's 12 of 12. And I had the most boring day ever (at least in photos--honestly, it was a pretty significant day in terms of the stuffs I can't make public just yet). New to 12 of 12? Visit Chad's site for the lowdown. Want to see my previous attempts, use that 12 of 12 category link on the left margin of the main page. Hope you did your own 12 of 12 and that you'll share with the world! As for mine, let's get to it (click any photo to enlarge).

8:15am: Salema is in bed with me, asking me to stay just a little bit longer. "Please," she says. Sorry, dear. Time to rise. But thanks for shacking with me just the same.

10:45am: Good morning headshots! (Yes, I cobbled two photos.) Wow! There's a bunch of headshots there, eh? (Believe me, that's nothing. I have another crate or two in another part of the room. But it's time to purge. Bless my intern, she's helping make this happen. I must, finally, throw out headshots... and the criteria is getting brutal.)

10:45am: Happy casting binders! Seriously, I love love love being organized. It is totally worth the time and effort to get those deal memos, SAG contracts, audition schedules, cast lists, and sign-in sheets filed away in some decent manner. Ahhhh.

11:15am: Thwok loves it when the cubbies are empty (which is almost never). Notice the chew-marks on the file box. That's what the kitties think of this particular batch of headshots. Rrrrr!

11:45am: My "A-List" actors. This is the file of actors I've cast or who have come soveryclose to being cast (like, we made the offer but the deal fell through or we had to do some sort of recasting for whatever reason). This is my go-to stack, when I need a quick list of "great actor" names. It's more than just the "name actor" list I keep on the computer. It's the actors I know will kick ass... every single time. These are my rockstars (and my hubby has created a Wiki database for me to use in cataloging them all, which has consumed most of my time today... but it's so AWESOME).

11:55am: Said hubby leaves for gaming and acting class--during the latter of which he'll have to do a comedic scene as an auto mechanic. He's wearing a shirt that was given to us by the folks who fix the TicTac (bless its 17-year-old soul).

1:20pm: Don't ever let anyone tell you that scheduling actors for prereads is an easy task. I think I'm going to start giving big, wet, sloppy kisses to the actors who get their audition notices, download their sides, confirm their auditions, and just show up and do the damn thing. I'm so OVER trying to reschedule people. (And only slightly less OVER a producer with daily add-ins... but she knows that. *snork* Dude... we now wait 'til callbacks. K?)

2pm: I've now ordered from PinkDot, so I'm up at the window when I hear a car door slam out front. Nope. Not them yet. But I do spy an example of what will MAKE me go postal someday. Seriously, if you ever hear of me going all gunz-blazing on people for no good reason, this will be why. If you have a large car, PARK IT SO THAT ANOTHER CAR CAN PARK NEARBY. Don't be a jagoff who takes up TWO spots with your own damn self! You WILL feel my wrath.

2:12pm: Pink Dot has arrived. Life, she is good. Quick snack then back to work.

2:20pm: Just got some really good news that I can't even talk about yet (even had to tell Keith to HUSH when I called him about it, b/c he does love to blab sometimes and he does have class tonight, which is a big audience for sharing). This is me unshowered and way too happy. Sooo lovely!

4:44pm: Making notes about the audition sides we'll need for Friday's prereads. Reviewing the schedule, trying not to get stressed out. Feeling good about the sessions. I have happy producers. Just got a fax from the director of another project. Busy Bon.

6:15pm: Time for dinner. California Cobb Salad minus the cheese and egg yolks. Yum! Dealing with some rescheduling issues that stress me out, but for a good reason.

7:24pm: This is my official BONUS photo: "BREAK" (and this is "How I take a..."). A GREAT night of TV. Nip/Tuck (thank you, east coast feet) feeds my porn fix, Big Brother is coming soon, and then there's Real World/Road Rules Fresh Meat Challenge Reunion (which my TiVo missed yesterday, bastids). And now, as I upload, it's The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman, which rocks. Nice cool glass of celebration and looking forward to tomorrow's big-ass cool things!

See? Boring 12 of 12. Maybe next month will rock. Thanks again, Chad. It's fun, even when it's boring!

PS--Happy birthday to my superstar niece Tiffany! LOVE YOU!

Posted by bonnie at 10:26 PM | Comments (16) | TrackBack

August 12, 2006

12 of 12 for August 2006

Happy 12 of 12! See Chad's blog for details on what this project entails and join us next month, won't you?

Click any photo for a larger version. Enjoy!

3:56am: I've been up for two hours or so, working on my Eventful page, emailing with Babes McPhee about the staged reading in a few hours and doing 12 of 12. Wondering if we'll take photos of each other taking our 12 of 12 photos.

5:06am: Finally paying bills. Stack of trash from opening bills (on the right) is about four times the size of the stack of bills (on the left, on top of my computer (which is why it looks like more paperwork... it's up higher to start with)).

7:13am: Fairly typical Bon breakfast (gluten-free organic popcorn sprinkled with Molly McButter in a flavor they don't make anymore). Now going to write royalty checks to Cricket Feet authors who aren't me. Luckily, 92% of July's check from the distributor was for books I wrote, so this quarter's payouts aren't too painful.

9:14am: Finished a "fiendish" Sudoku and now Archie and I are going to take a nap before the day really gets going. (Yes, this is my typical schedule... NOT typical to anyone but me.)

9:38am: Falling asleep for ONE 90-minute sleep cycle (or at least that's the goal). I totally overslept by 30 minutes and had bizarre dreams about being in a play, wearing a gorgeous pink and red satin dress, and then riding on a pontoon boat and having costars trying to get Fred Goss to kiss me.

1:15pm: Babes McPhee at the staged reading, slicing up her soon-to-be-famous BunnerCakes for us to enjoy. (Holy crap, that's some good gluten-free, vegan, rich chocolate cake action going on there.)

3:01pm: BONUS PIC. This month, the word is HOMAGE and I decided to pay homage to the dream that leads so many thousands of artists here.

3:22pm: Had to double back to the staged reading location to pick up Keith's cell phone, which he had left behind. I stayed in the air-conditioned car, parked in the shade, thankyouverymuch.

3:35pm: We're on the 405 and I decide to snap a photo of one of the camouflaged power poles. These and the "fake palm trees" that are really gussied-up cell phone towers crack me up.

3:51pm: Trying to find something better on the radio. (I am obsessed with how long and healthy my fingernails are.)

4pm-ish: This is our neighbor's hot tub, suspended above its typical nesting spot on the patio of his $1.3M condo. It was funny, watching the guys crank this thing up yesterday. I have no idea why it's like this or how long it will be this way.

6:05pm: I've finished dinner and email business regarding a bit of casting I'm still wrapping up (no, I still haven't started my column yet) and now I'm headed back to bed (yes, I'll get another 90 minutes then be up all night), but first I must capture the coloring mastery. Quinn and I each did a Snakes on a Plane picture in June, and these are posted on our heater with magnets from Boybutante and AT&T.

6:20pm: Salema LOVES the naps! She who hides all other times, craves some headbutt-love that is hers for the getting at naptime.

8:33pm: I'm up and editing the 12 of 12 to post. Woo! Another day in the life of me. Hope you enjoyed it!

Posted by bonnie at 9:29 PM | Comments (18) | TrackBack

July 12, 2006

12 of 12 for July 2006

Hope everyone had a happy 12 of 12. Mine was spent mostly in recovery from an amazing birthday gathering (details to come... with many, many fun photos). But, once Chad inspires you to do the 12 of 12, you must remain so inspired.

Click any photo for a larger version. Enjoy!

First shot of the new day... still at Dan Tana's. "Hey, Mike, what time is it?!?" And yeah, that IS where he keeps his pocket watch. (We stayed for another two hours, natch.)

Finally home, just past 3am. Keith says he's proud of me for having managed to drink gimlets for nine hours straight without getting outrageously tanked. Good girl!

Something like 4am and I'm approving comments left on my blog and checking out the new friend requests at MySpace. Yippee!

Good morning! It's 8am. Salema is happily stretched out beneath our bedroom's best work of art. Hee!

Now, this is this month's bonus pic which is based on the word LIKED, as dictated by the Random Word Generator. Why this pic? Well... I obviously LIKED running my fingernail through this red-frosted mini-gluten-free cake made by the amazing Babes McPhee for many hours yesterday.

See that? Stained! I am STAINED under the fingernail! Love it!

2:30pm. Keith and I leave grease-pencil love notes on the mirror to the bathroom door sometimes. While Quinn was here, we included him in the tradition. (Top to bottom: my note, Quinn's note, Keith's note.)

3pm. The haul. Seriously. This birthday booty was insane!!!!! Man! I have the COOLEST friends.

3:03pm. Now, I can't recall who gave me this cute bag filled with candy. Shoebox? Peow? Who brought this cuteness? Does anyone remember? I thought I was doing a really good job keeping up... and I did, if this is the only thing I missed.

How I spent most of the day. *teehee* I propped my feet up and relaxed. Finally. See, y'all! I *do* know how to take downtime. I swear! (Note to AnnaVO: La Costa Pedicure still rockin'.)

7:20pm. Okay, with that much play, it's time for the workout! To the beach we go. Sportsbra, socks, and shoes from Mitchell (present from birthday two years ago) at the ready. Yeah!

As we head out, I see that Cray Cray has put her Bay Bay back out (it was down the day after I blogged about it... making me certain neighborlady is a BonBlogs reader). "Is it Cray Cray Bay Bay or Cray Cray's Bay Bay?" I asked Keith. "Cray Cray, Bay Bay, all the Say Say," he replied. *snork* He's funny.

9:11pm. Back from the walk, there's two deliveries! One from my kickass intern Julie (A basket of gluten-free cookies, y'all!) and one from William Morris. Man, my birthday rocked this year. And I love that I can walk to the beach at sunset with my honey, return to work and treats, then share it all with you thanks to the 12 of 12.


Posted by bonnie at 10:40 PM | Comments (8) | TrackBack

June 12, 2006

Happy 12 of 12!

This month's 12 of 12 was much more exciting than last month's 12 of 12 for me. (Visit Chad for all of this month's participants. He was shooting for 75.) PARDON THE NAME-DROPPING LINKAGE AND RANDOM STORY-TELLING. I figured it was a good time to get everyone up to speed a bit.

Oh, and click any of these photos to see the larger version.

Started the day with the assigned "bonus photo" (one taken at 7am PDT). Keith heard my alarm going off, grabbed a cat, and came in to show me his phone reading "7am," which I made my first photo. (Back to sleep, since I went to bed at 5am. Keith, however, was on his way to the Funk Bros. with his ailing auto.)
A couple of hours later, I was up and scheduling callbacks for Salvation, Texas. Happily, I also got to CAST two actors today. Yippee! Congrats to Mark and Alison! Y'all rock! (I'll start building the cast webpage soon.) Also, I got a call from Dee (with whom the HILMMAKS producers met last week--while I was meeting with Chris--both of whom it seems will be offered roles in that film; plus Chris looks like he's in for The Masquerade) asking me to sub her acting class one day later this month. Of course, I said yes! I love her students. They're awesome!
Then, Keith and I headed off in the TicTac for Los Feliz. By way of Koreatown. Cool sign, eh?
Keith did the photographic goodness, here. I was the art director. Hee! Love the Wiltern. It's such a cool color.
After our lunch, I snapped this photo of the TicTac with the House of Pies sign. First time I'd been to the House of Pies since October, 2001 (after a brilliant play at the Company of Angels).
Our date, my buddy Richard, to whom I was able to offer a role in How I Lost My Mind and Killed Someone last week. He accepted. I'm so freakin' excited about how this film is taking shape! Since he bought lunch today, Keith and I will take him to Tana's as a thank you after Quinn leaves town.
I never thought I would spend $30 filling up my gas tank. It only holds 11 gallons, for cryin' out loud! But, I do have to say that the ARCO on Franklin at Gower has always been the cheapest gas I've ever seen... even when I lived at the Hollywood Tower in '93 and Melissa and Chick found a kitten (which they named Arco) there.
I wasn't going to use this photo (I have many others from the day's events), but I really like the distorted image. The accordian bus is one of my favorite funny-looking things in LA traffic. And how gorgeous are the jacaranda this time of year! Wow!
Apparently they've slipped a condom over the 360 Building. Somehow I missed the news that it was on fire a year ago. I blame TiVo.
Tip from the former Improv Comedy Traffic School instructor: if the meter is blinking "FAIL," you don't have to put money into it. You do, however, have to put a note on it, if you plan to do more than run in and out of the Hollywood Post Office like I did (after dropping Keith off to get his car from the shop).
Cricket Feet World Headquarters. Did you know our official offices were so small? We have pixies working for us in there. They are very happy.
It was such a lovely day that instead of coming right home, I drove the extra seven blocks and did a lap by the spot where Keith and I got married 361 days ago. Wouldn't you get married there too? It's just so gorgeous here!
Back home, back to work. Answering machine is all but full of messages from agents confirming actors' callbacks for Wednesday, casting directors with questions about our panel at the Hollywood Black Film Festival on Thursday, and news that Dennehy officially has our script now. Had to make some changes to our vacation schedule due to OUR building being tented (sheesh!), but it looks like that all worked out just great too. Hee!

Y'know... I think I might just have the most kick-ass life available for a dollar. So glad I bought it. Totally worth it. Hope your 12 of 12 was as much fun. Yippee!

Posted by bonnie at 8:54 PM | Comments (14) | TrackBack

May 13, 2006

12 of 12

While an assignment of 12 photos on ANY OTHER DAY thus far in May would've been way more interesting (read: I'd have left the effin' house), I did the deed just the same. Enjoy! And head over to Chad's blog for many, many more (he's hoping for 60 this month). Click any of the photos below for larger.

My "bonus" photo (the self-portrait) was my first of the day. It's 6am, just a few hours after I went to bed, and my hangover is pounding. Yes, I drank wine alone on the 11th. I missed my mom. So what? Got on up anyway and started my day, which included making offers to name actors on this film. I can do that looking like hell, right?

Look who was sleeping guard next to the bed. Sweet Salema. Aww.

Keith is staying at Nelson's, pet-sitting, right now, so he came by for some PB&J (notice the laundry in the background... still not folded).

Sometimes we buy the evil ones some wheatgrass. Sometimes they play IN it while eating it. Go, Archie.

Keith mopped the kitchen while he was home (after changing the litter) and now Thwok is concerned: Something is different. The waterfall thingy isn't exactly where it used to be.

Typical. Gawshk I love the Brenda years!

What has Thwok so excited on the cubbies? The shrimps, of course!

Over 3200 submissions so far (breakdown for three roles in The Masquerade went out on Wednesday afternoon) and most of them are for the one female role (natch). This is one portion of the screen on which I can monitor submissions by agency.

Lit a candle for Mom yesterday--but I like the smell of today's candle even better. It's the Caramel Creme, to which the amazing Jodi turned me on back in March. Yummy! Anyway, those are photos of Mom and Maxine (my aunt).

Guess whose CSI: Miami clip showed up on The Soup tonight! Hee!

Realizing I never showed off my new office in all its glory. So, here 'tis (boy headshots with blue dividers on the left, girl headshots on the right, postcards in shoeboxes atop those, "A-List" actors male and female in smaller stacks with yellow dividers, lots of demo reels and taped auditions [there are more on the floor right now], binders each with four completed casting projects from years past, plus one of those red bins is filled to overflowing with headshots to sort/purge and thank you notes to keep/toss while another mailbin is filled with headshots of priority actors for HILMMAKS... I so need an intern for a couple of days; sleeping cat next to the editing bay):

That was fun! Thanks, Chad!

Posted by bonnie at 2:35 AM | Comments (8) | TrackBack

January 14, 2006

A Day in the Life

So, 'member when I couldn't participate in Chip's "A Day in the Life" Challenge? Yeah, well, we finally got a working card reader. Woo hoo!


Since an average day for me is about 30 hours in length, these photos begin at 6:19pm November 1st and end at 11:30pm November 2nd. The above is a photo of my headshot files, which were a big focus of this particular day, seeing as a breakdown for a film I was casting went out around 4pm.

For everyone else's cool challenge photos, visit Chip's blog (which links 'em all).


6:19pm: just over two hours since the breakdown went out and I've received electronic submissions from almost 100 talent agents and managers.

Nov1pm720.jpg Nov1pm720a.jpg Nov1pm720b.jpg

7:20pm: got a cool Canadian TV series on DVD in the mail, Salema is bored, and I'm watching America's Next Top Model season one on VH-1.


8:30pm: Nip/Tuck is on. Awesome.

Nov1pm930.jpg Nov1pm930a.jpg

9:30pm: conference call with the film's director and producer, discussing "name" actors we may want to go after.


10:33pm: pistachio snack break.


11:20pm: casting deal memo (revised) has come in via fax. Thwok loves to guard the fax machine and its droppings. Sometimes she loves to walk on the fax machine and keep faxes from coming through acccurately. She is not the best office assistant.


November 2nd, 12:44am: cantaloupe snack break.

Nov2am111.jpg Nov2am111a.jpg

1:11am: brush teeth, check for more grey hairs.


2:20am: Archie, too, is bored.


3:30am: kitty bath break.

Nov2am428.jpg Nov2am428a.jpg

4:28am: running three different Internet browsers to review headshots, resumés, and demo reels (some of which I download). Finally ready to get some sleep after I play a few games on the SixHundy.

Nov2am1002.jpg Nov2am1002a.jpg

10:02am: good morning, sunshine! Thwok is on my ass, Archie and Salema are in the "staging area," knowing it's time for wakey, and that means no more sleeping (in this room, anyway). Note all of the scripts on the bottom shelf. Half are projects we've worked on. One fourth are projects our friends have worked on or on which we've considered working and passed. The last fourth are projects we're considering.


11:08am: typical first morning after a breakdown goes out. Eleven new messages since 8:30am.


12:05pm: choosing sides from the script for prereads, on the phone (headset) with an agent, reviewing casting suggestions on the Breakdowns website.


1:20pm: my favorite judge is on. Awesome.


2:30pm: color-coordinating priority submissions, pitches, and wishlist actors from the producers' notes. Yes, 90210 is on.


3:35pm: Keith and Archie (Archie is ALWAYS between).


4:44pm: more of same.


6pm: Keith has returned from Faith's with copies of her new headshots (gorgeous). VH-1 is airing I Love the '80s, which always rocks.


7:15pm: reviewing two more submissions.


8:20pm: same, same, same.


9:44pm: bored yet?


10:11pm: I've been typing so much I've had to put on my wristbrace and ghetto elbow wrap (cut up socks). Analyzing actors' credits, pulling out duplicate submissions, dismissing unqualified or incorrectly submitted actors.


11:30pm: quick shower, then time to leave the house! We're going for a walk. Finally.

Posted by bonnie at 12:03 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack