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February 13, 2009

Feb09 12 of 12

Hello and welcome back to 12 of 12. New to 12 of 12? Visit Chad Darnell for all the info. Join us! It's ever so much fun.

12:26am: Starting off my 12 of 12 the way I spend so many hours: checking name actors' Ulmer Score rankings for producer casting grids. The way we determine which offers to make first often comes down to actor bankability (distribution, overseas sales, Netflixability, etc.).

7:16am: Ridiculously long day ahead, so I'm up after five hours and back to work. This photo is really a testament to how long I keep shit that's next to my bed. First, it's worth noting that the clock radio has been used neither as an alarm nor a radio since the late '90s. I've had a handheld device living by the bed since I got my first Palm Pilot in early 2000. Anyway, that clock radio was a gift for opening a bank account at Fulton Federal in Athens, GA, back in 1990. The little pot of lipgloss (peppermint flavored) is from Bath & Body Works in Athens, GA, purchased at Christmas season, 1995. The floweredy nail file was purchased in Sherman Oaks, CA, in 1999. And Lovingly, Georgia (one of my very favorite books) was purchased at the Oxford Bookstore in Atlanta on an outing with my lovely mother back in 1993. Seriously.

7:50am: The cute fuzzy socks I put on when it's 43 degrees Fahrenheit. Yes, Hello Kitty. Just like the Hello Kitty blanket I keep draped under my desk. Geek!

10:39am: Have I mentioned how happy I am that Rice Chex is now gluten-free? Scheduling actors' auditions for the 2009 Cricket Feet Showcase on the spreadsheets below breakfast.

1:08pm: I've just spent the past 95 minutes in a meeting with producers on Glass Houses, the $5M feature film I'm casting. As the meeting wraps up, producer/actor Jennifer Fontaine and writer/director Mark Bernier cozy up at the Coffee Bean.

1:47pm: Back home for a bit more desk work before heading out to another meeting. Countersigning a release for a comedic scene submission for the Cricket Feet Showcase. Can't wait to read the scene!

3:01pm: Finishing a freelance article for SAG Actor Magazine (about the top three biggest mistakes actors make on their resumés) before sprinting out for the second producer meeting of the day.

3:46pm: Waiting for my lovely hubby to come back to the car after mailing books at the post office. These are my fancy pants accented perfectly by my old beat-up boots. Yes, I have cute new boots too, but there was going to be too much walking today for the heels. :) I opted for comfort.

4:56pm: Producer meeting #2 at a favorite restaurant. Yay! Lovely Joanie Fox (writer/producer) and I are going over plans for Arranging Mia (the $2M feature film I'm casting) as well as a web series we're developing together. So much fun! And Gloria's is a great place for meetings. :) Love it!

7:09pm: Class Rules! gathers. In this cute pic, Katie Swain, Lauren Dobbins Webb, Kathi Carey, and Lori Gundershaug. Let's get started!

8:44pm: More Class Rules! awesomeosity! Featured here, we have Keith Johnson, Erich Lane, Amelia Borella, and Jay Ruggieri. Yay!

9:21pm: Class Rules! February 2009 edition. :) This is the first time we've done a class pic. :) Hee! Left to right: Meline Tovmasian, Kathi Carey, Helenna Santos, Lauren Dobbins Webb, Joanie Fox, Katie Swain, Oren Rehany, Bonnie Gillespie (that's me!), Jay Ruggieri, Erich Lane, Amelia Borella, Lori Gungershaug, Julie Weidmann, Tanya Perez, Amro Salama. (Not pictured: Cristina Cimellaro, Dane Nielsen, Konstantin Lavysh, Angelina Hong, Melanie Merkosky, Keith Johnson.) Don't you LOVE the puce wall color? The bottom half of the wall is eggplant. So lovely! What's truly lovely is this class. I adore these actors. So smart, so talented, so damn fun to spend time with each week. :) Yay! Class Rules! :)

Thanks, everyone, for stopping by. And thank you, Chad, for another lovely 12 of 12 experience. :) Kisses!

Posted by bonnie at February 13, 2009 12:23 AM


Now I have seen the 12 of 12 in action! How much fun.

Posted by: Lori Gundershaug at February 13, 2009 1:20 AM

Love it that you still do this.

I did my first one on myspace. Hope you like it... It's a bit of a fumble, but after awhile, between interruptions and needing my sleep, I decided to just plaster that baby up (mistakes and all)!

Thanks again!!

Posted by: Sarah Logan at February 13, 2009 6:00 PM

A hand held device living beside your bed ...and I thought you were married. You call it a Palm Pilot, how apropos. Now don't try and tell me it's just a communication device. I know what that vibrate setting is for ...lol. Sorry, I couldn't help myself, but you made it too easy for me. ...and while were on the subject, Happy Valentines day! Hope you and your hubby are enjoying the time together.

Great 12. Really enjoy all the people pics. I'm realy not good at portraits. I find people are either camera shy or to rigid when they pose. I on the other hand have a hard time getting a candid shot.

Speaking of "Hello Kitty", how come no Thwok pics. You gotta get one of the ole fur ball in there. It ain't a real twelve without food and pets... lol

Foot shots seem to be a common thread in several blogs this month, but I didn't see any resembling a cricket's ...okay, that was bad even for me.

Have a great day and see your 12 next month.

Posted by: Hibe AKA Gary at February 14, 2009 2:35 PM

Lori--Fun, isn't it? :) Yay!

Sarah--I guess I can't really give it up. It's just fun for me, from a historical perspective. I really do like having 144 FOR SURE photos taken each year. Can't know you have that for sure, otherwise. :)

Gary--Thanks! :) It's fun stuff. :) Keith and I do always have fun, any holiday, any-any day! :) Thanks! True about food and pets. It's the common denominator, right? Love how much we all have to share! :)

Posted by: Bon at March 20, 2009 10:41 PM

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