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December 18, 2007

You'd Think.

You would think that I would enjoy a day in which my phone is out of service (seriously. "Ringing busy" to callers and no dialtone here, although we have TiVo and DSL connectivity).

That I'd love the calm. The quiet. Goes with the rain, right?

Instead, I'm anxious that I'm missing some key calls regarding... well... a few new deals I have brewing (yup, it's true. I'm gonna EP a movie in 2008).

Enjoy the quiet, Bon.

I'm workin' on it. ;)

Posted by bonnie at December 18, 2007 6:30 PM


My Dearest Bon --

It is we "A-type" personalities, used to burning the candle at both ends, who have the biggest issue with sudden "down time" or quiet.

You are fully aware of my challenges this past summer and fall -- and one beautiful thing a dear friend of mine said was "embrace the downtime".

What an incredible thing to say. What a glorious picture that paints! So no matter how short or how long the downtime, embrace it, use it, explore it, relish it, acknowledge it, enjoy it, and know that it doesn't last forever, and therefore it is actually a DELIGHT rather than a blight.

much love,

Posted by: DebC at December 19, 2007 6:57 PM

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