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November 6, 2007

The Strike Is Where You Pick-It

Goodness at the emotions that have flown all over me in the past few days! Just... goodness.

There's the showcase. Which is beautiful. Beautiful actors. Beautiful scenes. Beautiful experience. Again. And that's just based on the rockstar, standing-room-only preview. Goodness, what a delightful ride producing a showcase has been!

There's the feature film casting job on which I passed. Eesh. That's a toughie. I want to work; of course. But I want to work on projects about which I am passionate (and, if I'm not passionate about 'em, I'd better damn well be getting paid well enough to make it balance out somehow).

There's the strike. Oy, there's the strike. And as a working writer who has never been eligible to join the WGA (but who certainly hopes to do so, someday), I am both relieved and distressed. I want to believe there can be a quick resolution to this work stoppage. I want to believe the producers will relent, will walk toward the writers in the same way the writers were walking toward the producers by late Sunday night. But I also know that these are the same people who would have you think that no movie has ever made back its investment ever, thereby never requiring a full payout of back-end to talent who agreed to work for low-budget scale plus points.

Then there's the amazing small-group collectives like Naked Angels' Tuesdays @9 and Tisch Actors' West Monologue Slam. There are groups of writers and actors coming together to produce something--anything--because they simply must do so. It feeds their souls. It feeds mine too.

That makes me forget about the new wave of Bonnie-haters in this town (and yes, if I shared with you some of the Bon-Backlash that's out there now, many of you would prickle like Keith does when he wants to beat someone to within an inch of his life--and you know he could and would if I would let him--and you would be very protective of me. And I appreciate that. But it's exactly what this year has been about, in large part: Going from A Mom and Pop Shop to A Serious Force comes with both loads of good and a bit of bad. Haters are coming out of the woodwork. And they're good at what they do. Luckily... so am I. Even luckier, I am not afuckingfraid. Not even a little bit. Bring it, bitches. I'll go chest-out to you any day. And my tits are damn fine).

If I let my emotions run my life, I'd be all over the map these past few weeks. Instead, I've been doing a lot of observing (hence the lack of blogging). My rockstar intern left here Sunday night--after a conversation in which I revealed the reason I couldn't make eye contact with her was because it would make me cry--and said, "Blog, okay?"

So here it is.

The blog post in which I say that I am at once proud, aware that I'm growing, filled with complex and conflicting professional and personal emotions, inspired and motivated, and so completely ready to kick ass that I wish I had more feet.

Posted by bonnie at November 6, 2007 1:39 AM


WTF!?!?!?!? Bonnie haters?!?!?! Where are they?!!? Let me at them!!!!

Posted by: Amy at November 6, 2007 2:00 AM

I don't know what's going on but I luvs ya! Bravo, Kudos and Hugs from all of us in the OC. And, yes, they are damn fine! Mighty fine! Hee-Hee!!

Posted by: Barb at November 6, 2007 4:14 PM

A common phrase I hear myself saying in LA is "I just don't get these people"...or "the way they treat others is unacceptable". This is one of these moments. I don't understand why the bad sometimes rings a little louder than the good...but this will not be the case. There is so much more LOVE for you out here...We just need to speaker louder!. Love YOU, Bon.

Posted by: Shea at November 7, 2007 10:26 AM

You're right, of course. The haters are a sign that you have made it.

Do me, you and the rest of the world a big flavor, huh? Blog first. Just blog. Write write write.

B/c the best way to get over on the haters is smothering them in a whole lotta word love.

Posted by: communicatrix at November 7, 2007 3:05 PM

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