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June 20, 2007

As we're heading out...

...for our Lucy/Quinn playdate (yay!), I find this awesome interview with the lovely and talented Faith Salie.


It includes fun little bits like this:

Based on the photo gallery on your Web site, you definitely do not "have a face for radio." Why radio?
That's for sure a compliment, so thanks again. I endeavor never to have an ass for radio either.

and this:
Is there anything that isn't "fair game"? Is there anywhere you won't go? Any taboos?
There is nowhere I won't go, in theory. However, I'm also not interested in being a contentious, "gotcha"-style host. Nor do I want to be snarky in my humor. I take my role as a host quite to heart. If I could send every guest a handwritten thank you note and a Coca-Cola cake, I would. So with that in mind, even as I'm asking the tougher questions or calling people out on their preposterousness, I like to do it with playfulness.

She's just so damn cool. Yay, cousin! Bonus points for the Miss Aphrodite shout-out. Seriously.

Posted by bonnie at June 20, 2007 1:28 PM
