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February 5, 2007

Oh, Aaron...

You come here to me.


You come here to me and let me give you a big hot wet sloppy tongue kiss right now.

Thank you Mr. Sorkin. Or however many writers it is that you have on staff writing under your name. Thank you all.

Posted by bonnie at February 5, 2007 11:43 PM


Why?! Why did they get shelved? Is the midwest that threatened by the show or fear they are being lambasted weekly by the show... Or, could it be they seriously didn't get it? NY and CA get it, enjoy it... Was the show too "inside hollywood" and no one outside of Hollywood got the jokes or concept?

Sigh... Why do the good shows go away?

It's like my mom and I walking out of "Alien" and she looks up at the poster and says to me: "Why do they always kill off the cute ones?"

I didn't understand then, but I do now. I still don't like it.

Posted by: Jonathan at February 6, 2007 11:40 AM