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January 17, 2003

Fair Warning...Again

Just got word that Lucy (the server this Blog lives on) will be moving this weekend. So... expect some down time and be happy when it's shorter than anyone imagined it would be. I have all the faith in the world in Chip, but Mercury is still in Retrograde... so, there's that.

Lots of lots of lots of lots of news and updates, but most of them will have to wait. I'm going to do some hefty site updates over at the bonsite and on Cricket Feet, but those non-paying things will have to wait for some paying things to get done... and then there's sleep... oh, but I'm not really doing that (thanks, Santa Anas, for returning yet again)!

So, expect news. Expect good news. But first expect delays. Anticipation is a good thing, yes?

Ciao (and yes, first I typed "Chow"). Tee hee.

Posted by bonnie at January 17, 2003 05:02 AM