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November 24, 2002

Love for Theatre

The 2002 Ovations were wonderful. Theatre LA did a great job putting the gala event together, and Alfred Molina was pure genius, calling out to the audience of 800+, "Are there any theatre people here tonight?" The love in that room was something only theatre people could "get." And man, was it good love!

Major shout out to my dear friend Faith Salie and the rest of the Colony Theatre ensemble for kicking ass with The Laramie Project. Also, kudos to Taper's Flower Drum Song, for taking several awards and Road Theatre Company for its multi-award-winning Napoli Milionaria as well as Deaf West's Big River.

Amazing night filled with joyful actors who may happen to have TVQ, but--much more importantly--who love theatre. Period.

Yay! Faith!!!! Yay! Theatre!!

Posted by bonnie at November 24, 2002 11:35 PM